Worksware ERP Solution for Prijai Heat Exchangers Pvt. Ltd.

Prijai, are manufacturers of heat exchangers. Their products are majorly for refrigerators and air conditioners. Prior to implementation of WorksWare ERP System, the management was concerned about high inventory carrying cost. As there was no measurement, there was no point to control. After discussion with management, a multipronged strategy was implemented. After implementing the strategy, at the end of first year inventory carrying cost was reduced by 25% thereby improving bottom line.


Prijai Heat Exchangers, going through a rapid growth path, found its existing systems obsolete to meet the growing business needs. Primary challenge areas identified were:

  • High initial investment cost
  • Continual training to staff and retention of trained & competent staff
  • Being a customized product they are facing a MRP driven procurement difficulties which are used to manage a manufacturing process. There is a lack of production planning, scheduling, and inventory control system.
  • It was increasingly difficult to manage the requirements of the organization’s other three locations professionally.


A Single-source Solution that Directly Benefits Their Bottom Line and Exceeds Customer Quality and Delivery Expectations

WorksWare suite of Business Solutions is a family of Information Technology based solutions designed with a comprehensive understanding of India’s specific operations, business requirements, regional policies, regulations and tax regimes. Worksware accommodates the needs of both small and large manufacturing, sales and distribution organizations as well gives everyone in the company, complete control over their work area.

Modules offered for Prijai Heat Exchangers for a smooth running of production process

  1. Sales module
  2. Accounts module – General Ledger Accounts
  3. VAT / Sales Tax module
  4. Inventory Management module
  5. Purchase & Pre-purchase module
  6. MRP – Material Requirement Planning module / Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  7. BOM – Bill of Materials module
  8. Production module (Assembly Production and Process Production) CRM module (Customer relationship management) and pre-sales module.
  9. Payroll and HR module
  10. Cost sheet module – preparing estimate
  11. Order Fulfilment module – Sales Accounting – (Shipping)


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Benjamin Tickle, Project Manager
Company Name Inc